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NSC 2000 Wednesday Photos: Page 7
Round 28
- Players milling around division 1's boards 3 and 4. Adam Logan vs. Brian Cappelletto and Merrill Kaitz vs. Randy Hersom. I can identify from the front going clockwise: Mary Rhoades (division 1 & 2 leader), Ann Sanfedele, Bob Lundegaard, Burke Riely, Ben Withers, Marlon Hill, Amit Chakrabarti, Joe Edley, Leland Fidler, Peter Schwartzman, Mark Fidler, Steve Pellinen, and Rita Norr.
- Caption to follow
- Bill Menor vs. Mike Kelly (See commentary)
- Lynda Woods Cleary (See commentary)
- Division 4: Barbara Platt vs. Lynda Woods Cleary.
- Division 6, Table 1: Connie Creed vs. Joan Knobelsdorf, George Grant vs. Frances Gross, Andrea Ross-Greene overseeing results.
- Miriam Saldanha looking at her son Dean's scorecard, Ben Loiterstein and Norbert Saldanha.
- NSA Advisory Board: (front row) Joe Edley, (second row) Jerry Lerman, Sherrie Saint John, Diane Firstman, Steve Pellinen, Mark Morris, (third row) John D. Williams, Jr., Robert Kahn, Kaye Kiker, Ann Ferguson, Bernard Gotlieb, Wendell Smith and Siri Tillekeratne. Missing: Bonnie Rudolph.
- Paul Epstein at the piano, Bruce Adams singing "Stairway to Heaven" as Cheryl Cadieux and Kaye Kiker listen.
- Anagrams after hours: Ron Hoekstra, Peter Armstrong, Trey Wright, Mark Przybyszewski, John Babina, Amit Chakrabarti and Steve Oliger.
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