
NSA: Tourneys: 1998: CSC : Saturday: Pictures
CSC98 Pictures: Round 10

West meets East: Siri Tillekeratne vs. Bernard Gotlieb

Christina O'Sullivan and Lisa Kessler

Jim Nanavati's win against Fern Lindzon, 498-305, see commentary.

Joel Wapnick's big win against Tim Anglin, 523-317, see commentary.

Christina O'Sullivan's winning board against Lisa Kessler, 385-352, see commentary.

Linda Espallardo's 19-point win over Max Garfinkle, 411-392, see commentary.

Hy Francis, filling out Zev Kaufman's paperwork, and Andrew Golding

Wendy McGrath vs. Peter Teitelbaum (foreground); Glenn Mosher vs. Lynda Wise (background)

Joel Wapnick discussing strategies with Christina O'Sullivan

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