
NSA: Tourneys: 1998: CSC : Saturday: Pictures
CSC98 Pictures: Set 4

Gene Rawlins loses to Shaun Goatcher, 379-446, see commentary

word runners in their between rounds floor show

Bernard Gottlieb's win over Fran Silver, 392-382, see commentary

Linda Gomes' championship manicure!

Albert Hahn's win over Zev Kaufman, 476-442, see commentary

Randall Thomas trying to see if the truth was out there on his finished game board.

James Cherry's win over Jeff Fleetham. 430-367, see commentary

HASBRO is the owner of the registered SCRABBLE® trademark in the United States and Canada. © 2001 HASBRO. All rights reserved. "SCRABBLE® Brand Crossword Game" is the proper way to refer to this unique group of word games and related properties marketed by HASBRO. "SCRABBLE®" is not a generic term. To use it as such is not only misleading but also does injustice to the company responsible for the trademark's longtime popularity. All we ask is that when you mean SCRABBLE® Brand Crossword Game, you say so. 

The SCRABBLE® trademark is owned by J.W. Spear and Sons, PLC, a subsidiary of Mattel, Inc. outside of the United States and Canada. 

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