1998 Canadian SCRABBLE® Championship NSA: Tourneys: 1998: CSC : Friday: Commentary | |
| CSC98 Round 1 Commentary
First challenge of the night was CLUTZ. And that isn't me mistyping--even I know it needs a K! The first result is in. Joel Wapnick and Jakob Teitelbaum finished and 30 minutes after their clock started, the result was in the computer. Joel 456 to Jakob's 267. Like son, like father, Pete Teitelbaum just finished swiftly, too, losing to Leah Katz, 394-410. Table 1 had Jeff Parsons vying against Adam Logan. Before they began, Jeff said to me, "Quick, take my picture! I'm at table 1!" As the round ended, I could tell from here that he was very happy. Turns out he won, 455-334. His plays were sTOWAGE, DAUTIES, and STIMiED. When I asked about Adam's bingos, Jeff said, "Oh, he had just dreadful tiles." I guess that means no bingos. At Table 2, Fern Lindzon lost a close one to Tim Anglin, 428-409. Tim played LOURING and DINGIEST while Fern played TeNURIAL and CLArIES. Perhaps most interesting was that Fern ended her game with the clock reading 00:00! Talk about cutting it close! Fern's first play of the tournament was WORDED. She said she didn't care if it wasn't the best play, she just wanted to play it. Christina O'Sullivan lost her first game to Paul Sidorsky, but she thinks she played the definitive "Canadian" word: BOrDERED for 74. Last I saw, she was going off to record it on the sheet. In David Boys' game with Marilyn Murray, he won 351-330. This low score might be due to the fact that with four tiles left in the bag, two were blanks! David played a three-letter-word, hoping to up his chances of getting both. He only got one. Marilyn's last draw of the game was the second blank. |
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