[NSA Word of the Day]

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February 23rd, 2005: SEECATCH

Definition: SEECATCH*SEECATCHIE n an adult male fur seal

Anagrams: (none)

Hooks: (none)

Ana-hooks: cacOethes catechIse ceteRachs hIccatees Recatches

'Typos': (none)

Blana-grams: accRetes acesceNt cacheteD caLeches catcheRs catechUs cathecTs catheXes ceteRach cheaPest cheateRs cheetaHs cheLates cLatches cOachees cRatches Detaches escheatS eXcheats hectaRes hIcatees hIccatee Machetes Rechates Recheats sacheteD scatcheS teacheRs

Extensions: seecatchIE

Sub-anagrams: ace aces ach ache aches act acts ae aesc ah ahs as ash ashet at ate ates cache caches cachet cachets caese case cash cast caste cat catch catches cate cates cats ceas cease ceca cee cees cesta cete cetes ch cha chace chaces chas chase chaste chat chats che cheat cheats chest ea each eas ease east eat eatche eatches eath eathe eats ecce ech eche eches echt ee eech eh ehs es escheat est et eta etas etch etches eth ethe eths ha hae haes haet haets has hast haste hat hate hates hats he heast heaste heat heats hes hest het hete hetes hets sac sachet sae sat sate scat scatch scath scathe sceat sea seat sec sect see set seta setae sh sha shat she shea sheet shet st ta tace taces tach tache taches tachs tae taes tas tash te tea teach teaches teas tease tech techs tee tees tes thae the theca thecae thee thees these

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